I knit a lot for myself, but it is a seasonal thing. Starting in the summer and increasing through the fall I shift into gift knitting. By November and December it is an all-out mad dash to get everything done by Christmas. I like what I make and I like making it.
But, I have to admit that selfish knitting is really fun. So...for the first time since September, I made something for me!
These are My Basic Socks from Socknitters.com. They were quick and easy and used a bit of the kool aid yarn. The original idea was for kiddo and I to have matching socks. We ended up with "sort-of" matching socks but that's cool. I really like the kool aid yarn, but the pink does not smell of cherries like the purple smelled of grape. I also really want to know what is Spinster Beth's favorite flavor to dye with? She said Grape is her second. What can be better than grape?
Oreo and Moon Pie say "Hi!"
Orange! Black cherry is third. Blue raspberry makes a beautiful light blue, and cherry makes a vivid red. I only remember the orange and grape retaining their scent, though. Lime green makes a nice green, as well. Now I want to go dye stuff.