Bird in Hand Farm

Bird in Hand Farm is an imaginary place.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Yarn swift

Flipped over my desk chair...
The Farmer loves me.  It's a good thing because it meant that he used to be willing to stand with a hank of yarn over his forearms while I wound it.  I'm sure he preferred it to the alternative of listening to me swear while I tried to wind it off the back of a chair.  Anyway, I'm knitting enough that it was time for a swift.  I looked on-line and they are expensive!  Way expensive.  I tried a few improvised solutions with limited success.  I finally decided to make my own.

1 old wood lazy Susan
6' of 1"x1" trim
8 - 1.5" wood screws
1 - 3/8" dowel

Total cost: $15 

1. Cut the 1"x1" trim in half, and then cut one of the halves in half again.  

2. Drill several 3/8" holes along the trim piece.  Space them 2" apart. Try not to drill all the way through.  We used a piece of masking tape to mark the depth on the drill bit.
3. Screw the 1"x1" trim to the lazy Susan making sure that the holes are facing up.  Don't ask.

4. Cut the dowel into four equal lengths, each approx 9" long.

It works brilliantly.  The dowels can be placed however far apart is needed for the hank to be snug.  It spins freely and allows me to wind a ball at my own pace. 

1 comment:

  1. You are so clever! i would never have thought to make my own swift, but it really sure does seem simple enough. How creative you are!
